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5 Signs Your Kid is Ready for a Razor Scooter


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Razor Jr, the Perfect New Ride for your Kid

So your “baby” is not really a baby anymore. Does your kid demonstrate any of these behaviors?

  1. Wants to do what the “big kids” do
  2. Is constantly in motion
  3. Shows improved coordination
  4. Wants to demonstrate independence
  5. Seems curious and interested in anything with wheels

If so, it’s time to get your kid some wheels! The new Razor Jr line of Razor scooters has something to suit every beginner. You can’t stop them from growing up, but you can help them build confidence, balance and coordination with these Razor rides:

Twisti Razor Jr
Razor Jr Twisti™ – It’s a Razor scooter that your littlest ones can sit on and propel themselves by moving the handlebars from side to side. It gets your kid on wheels and helps develop coordination – while having fun!

Kixi Kix Action Green
Razor Jr Kix™ Scooter – With three wheels and an extra wide deck, this kids scooter offers stability and builds confidence as your little rider learns to stand and scoot like the big kids.

Razor Jr Kuties - Unicorn and Cowboy
Razor Jr Kuties™ – It’s a hobby horse, it’s a 3-wheel scooter, and it’s the perfect ride for kids that haven’t gotten the hang of the 2-wheel scooters just yet. Plus, no other kids scooter comes with a cuddly buddy!Buy Razor Jr Kuties

Razor Jr Mixi™ Scooter –This convertible Razor Jr scooter can go from having three wheels to two in a snap. As your kid’s balance develops, the third wheel can be removed for some two wheel motion!

Watching your child ride a Razor scooter will remind you of how proud you were when you mastered something as a child.  Scooters for kids give them the freedom of motion, the thrill of riding something by themselves – and pure fun.  It’s a great way to get your kids outside and active.

Razor Jr line designed for young Razor riders. Kids should wear protective equipment and ride in a safe environment with adult supervision.

Your kid is ready to ride!

Check out more Razor Jr scooters for young kids