Razor can ship to most addresses in the United States. Note that there are some restrictions that may apply. Please check out our shipping restrictions below.
Please double check your address for accuracy when ordering from Razor.com. An incorrectly entered addresses can delay or prevent shipment.
When you place an order with Razor.com we will estimate shipping and delivery dates. Note that these dates are approximate and can change based on circumstances beyond our control. Once your package has been picked-up by the carrier you can obtain delivery information directly from them – see Tracking Your Package below.
After you place an order on Razor.com, your order will generally take 24-48 hours to leave our warehouse. Warehouse operational hours are Monday – Friday excluding holidays. Orders placed on Friday, Saturday or Sunday will generally leave our warehouse Monday, the first business day of the week.
Shipping costs will depend on the shipping option that you choose and the weight and dimensions of the item(s) you have purchased. If you purchase multiple items they will be shipped together.
Using the tracking number provided in your order confirmation e-mail you can check the status of your delivery with the carrier. Your tracking number can also be found when you create an Account on Razor.com. Your tracking number will be within the ‘MY ORDERS’ section of your Razor.com Account. Please see our shipping restrictions below for more information.
Due to certain shipping restrictions and requirements, Razor.com will not accept product or product part orders being shipped to Canada, Puerto Rico, Hawaii or Alaska. However, some replacement parts may be cleared for shipping restrictions. Please call 866-467-2967 Monday – Friday 8 am to 5 pm PST and our team can check for you if they can place your order for replacement parts by phone. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Razor can not ship to a U.S. Postal Service post office box. Please provide an actual street address.
Razor cannot ship to APO/FPO addresses. Razor parts can be obtained via AAFES or NEXCOM.
Razor cannot ship to a commercial mail box similar to a Mail Boxes Etc®. Please provide an actual street address.
When the carrier returns these undeliverable packages to us we issue a full refund excluding shipping charges. Please allow 30 days for refund to your credit card account.
These undeliverable packages will not be reshipped. A new order must be placed for the item. Please review our Address Accuracy tips above before placing another order.
The decision to label a shipment as undeliverable is made by the carrier usually for one of the following reasons:
If an address is incorrect or incomplete the package will be returned by the carrier. Please be careful when entering your address and proof read it for any mistakes before submitting your order.
If you are placing an order to send as a gift it may be refused by a recipient who is not expecting to receive a gift. You may want to let the recipient know that they should be expecting a surprise.
Razor will process returns and refunds only for items that were purchased directly from Razor within the last 30 days. If you need to return an item please see our Return Guidelines below to ensure proper processing. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in a delay processing your return and affect your ability to receive a refund.
Once your return is received, a credit for the full purchase price (plus tax) excluding outbound shipping cost will be issued to the credit card used to purchase the item(s) you are returning. You are responsible for the cost of returning the item(s) to Razor unless the return is a result of our error.
You may return any new, unused items ordered from Razor in the last 30 calendar days. Items must be returned in the original packaging. Please allow 2 weeks from receipt of return for processing.
Ship the package from your nearest post office or other carrier of your choice. Please make sure to affix the appropriate amount of postage. Razor.com recommends choosing a shipment method that allows you to track your package.
The Razor product is produced for sale in the United States and Canada. The Razor Warranty for customers who intend to use it outside of the United States and Canada is not applicable. Razor products produced for and sold in international channels are warranted as applicable in such foreign countries. If you have Razor products that require service, were purchased in the United States or Canada, and are now outside the United States or Canada, visit Razor’s OnlineSupportCenter for help and support. On these products, which require service, consumers are responsible for all costs including shipping, resulting taxes, duties of replacement parts and local power adaptors at the owner’s expense.